@everyone Very Important Info.

22 Oct 2022, 13:27
@everyone Very Important Info. Please Read In FULL We are pleased to announce that we will be moving to a new raid process very soon. Every raid you take part in, will count as a participation and at the end of each week, the top participants will win prizes: Weekly Raid Rewards 1st place - 1 SOL 2nd - 4th Place - WOOFer NFT 5th - 7th Place - 100k $WOOF There will also be an Additional 2 Random Raids each week with prizes of a WOOFer or 50-100k $WOOF If there is ever a draw, we will select the winner using a wheel spin mechanism. To take part in the new raid process you will need to LINK YOUR TWITTER by heading to the #tracker-verify channel on our discord channel We will give everyone 48 HOURS from now to link your Twitter account before we move over to the new raid system. HOW ARE PRIZES PAID? Every single member has been allocated an in-server wallet. If you ever win a $WOOF or $SOL prize, this will be paid to your in-server wallet and you can withdraw it to your main Phantom/ Solflare wallet when you wish. You can view your in-server wallet by heading to the #flux-bot-spam channel and using the /balance own command. A full list of available commands can be viewed in #? | flux-commands We have also added a floor price checker, which you can use in the #flux-bot-spam channel. Any WOOFer/NFT prizes will be paid manually, as normal. WHO CAN TAKE PART? Members with the @DAO Member (WOOF) Grape or @DAO Member (WOOFer) Grape roles can participate. Therefore, only $WOOF/WOOFer holders are eligible. This is to prevent people making multiple accounts to rig the system. Anyone found trying to take advantage of the system to win multiple prizes will be removed from the server permanently. TL;DR - New raid system will begin in 48 hours - Weekly prizes of $SOL, SWOOF And WOOFers -Head to #tracker-verify to link your Twitter VERY IMPORTANT - Head to # | ? | flux-commands to see how to view your wallet -Use #flux-bot-spam to use the commands The above channels will only be visible to holders.