An update regarding the WOOFer staking platforms. Hello @everyone. I'll keep this short and simple:.

20 Dec 2022, 21:58
An update regarding the WOOFer staking platforms! Hello @everyone! I’ll keep this short and simple: Staking rewards will stop accumulating on the old staking platform by the end of the year 2022! After December 31st 2022, old staking platform will yield no more new rewards. 🚫 Unstake your WOOFers from: New staking platform will be the only one yielding new rewards starting January 1st 2023. Stake your WOOFers here: Important notice: You will be able to freely claim your previously earned rewards on the old staking even after December 31st. They will remain there to be collected, and the platform itself will still function even after December 31st.